Filled Wrong Fuel In A Car? Here’s What You Need To Do



It is relatively costly if you misfuel your car. But it is riskier if you try to drive it. According to statistics, a motorist pumps the wrong fuel every 3-4 minutes in the UK. Extraordinary, isn’t it? 

Well! You must be grateful if it never happened to you. It might happen if you’re in a hurry, you’ve leased an unfamiliar model, or you have shifted from petrol to diesel. But remember, you must not start the engine if you have mistakenly wrong-fueled a car.

Let’s dive deeper into the possible outcomes and solutions if you have filled the wrong fuel in a car.

What Happens If You Put Petrol In Diesel Car?

It is easier to accidentally put petrol in diesel car, rather than doing it the other way round. It is because petrol nozzles fit easily into the modern diesel filter necks. Diesel works as a lubricant, while petrol increases friction between diesel engine parts. Hence, it will damage the whole engine.

If you start the car after putting petrol in a diesel car, it could mean that it will damage the injectors, pipes, fuel tank, filters, or even the whole engine.

What Happens If You Put Diesel In A Petrol Car?

This phenomenon is relatively less common. The nozzle of the diesel pump is broader than most petrol filter necks. Hence, it doesn’t fit. Additionally, it is not more damaging if you put diesel in a petrol car. Petrol fires with a force from the spark plugs. On the other hand, diesel clogs up the fuel system and spark plugs. It will simply make the engine of the car stop. Thus, there is no permanent damage to your petrol engine when you drain the fuel out.

Things To Do If You Have Filled The Wrong Fuel In A Car

  • Don’t Start The Car:

When you have accidentally wrong-fuelled the auto, one thing that you must always keep in your mind is to keep your engine off. It will prevent the engine from permanent damage, thereby saving costs on repair work.

  • Go To A Safe Location:

It is advised to immediately put your car in a safe location. You can take someone’s help to push your car away from a petrol station.

  • Call The Expert:

After putting the car in a safe location, call the expert. They will safely remove the fuel from the fuel tank and set the right one.