What Does the Chevy Safety Assist Pack In?

When the automotive industry is moving fast towards more and more autotomizing vehicles, we should expect some of its early signs in the current vehicles. Today, every vehicle model that gets released by any leading automaker like Chevrolet, Mazda, Volkswagen or the other are seen boasting about the automatic features they have innovated to make every drive not only comfortable but safe.
In Chevrolet they call it Chevy Safety Assist. It is wholesome package of safety and driver assist features that are based on modern technologies that prevent every Chevrolet vehicle from committing a drive mistake or take a wrong drive decision which can lead to a fateful accident or collision. When we wanted to know what the Chevy Safety Assist pack in, the Oxford Chevrolet dealership helped us with the following information:
Forward Collision Alert with Automatic Emergency Braking
In every recently released Chevrolet car or SUV one can avoid getting trapped into a collision with an upcoming vehicle or any obstacle with the feature named forward collision alert with automatic emergency braking.
This feature can detect any potential collision coming from the front-end, especially with a vehicle and start applying the brakes automatically, if the driver fails to do so, within the right time frame. This way, not only the car speed slows down in time, but can also come to a complete stop, as and when necessary to prevent the collision from happening.
This feature can also provide a tailgating alert in case your car is following a vehicle too closely. This system is entirely dependent on the modern Camera technology which is used here to automatically detect the position of your car in comparison to the cars driving ahead. Tis feature provide your car with the protection of hard emergency braking in order to stop the vehicle before it collides with another.
Adaptive Cruise Control
This feature prompts you to set up a maximum driving speed in the city roads, or even in the highways, so that you do not over speed your vehicle and get trapped into an accident. This feature comes handy in following traffic rules where certain speed limit is prescribed by the road and traffic safety authorities. With the adaptive cruise control feature turned on, a vehicle can safely drive in a congested traffic where the feature will automatically adjust the acceleration speed of the vehicle, by measuring the distance from the vehicles that are driving ahead.
Rear Vision Camera
We all know how threatening it is when we do not see a vehicle following us too closely. It is equally dangerous when any pedestrian or any animal comes too close by at the rear part of our vehicle, and we key start our vehicle, without the knowledge of it. Such incidents have claimed many lives so far. To put an end to it, Chevrolet uses a rear vision camera in most of its vehicles, so that the driver can have a vision of the scenario behind, and take the required action.
Apart from these, the Chevy Safety Assist Package includes rear view camera mirror, intellibeam automatic beam, blind spot monitors, rear traffic alert and many more, confirmed the Chevrolet dealership Oxford.