Tips to Protect Teen Drivers


Growing up is a significant part of your life. Getting your driver’s license is almost a rite of passage. However, it is important to take safety and responsibility when operating a vehicle. Traffic crashes continue to be the number one cause of death for young adults. You can rest assured that your teenager has the knowledge and skills to safely operate a vehicle.

Practice in Different Weather Conditions

It is important to know how your vehicle performs in different weather conditions. This is especially true in the Midwest. Your teen should go to an empty, wide lot (e.g. Take your teen to a large, empty lot (e.g. you can also educate them about the features of the vehicle that can make a difference. You might teach them how to change to four-wheel drive during extreme winter conditions, to decrease the chance of sliding. To increase visibility in rainy conditions, teach them how to apply a hydrophobic coating. Pass First Go Driving Instructors will educate you about safe driving. And also teach you about how to drive in Different Weather Conditions

Keep Your Vehicle Clean

Maintaining your vehicle properly and consistently is one of the best ways to protect its integrity. These are the most important things you should do:

Tires check your tires regularly to make sure they are at optimal pressure. The owner’s manual will tell you the optimal psi of your vehicle. If you have a newer car, the sticker on the driver’s side door will show it. If you plan to drive in snow, make sure that the tires are rotated regularly.

Oil: To keep your engine running smoothly, it is important to change your oil now and again. Modern vehicles may have an oil monitor built into the dashboard that will alert you when it is time to change. Be sure to pay attention to the warnings. Neglecting oil changes can cause your engine to wear down too early. At worst, it could lead to engine bricking and require replacement.

Light:  Make sure your headlights, brake lights, and turn signals are working properly. If you are caught with non-functioning lights, it can pose safety risks and even lead to a heavy fine.

Brakes: there is no set schedule to check your brakes for wear. You’ll need to check your brakes more often if you live near traffic. Make sure you check your brake pads every time you rotate your tires.

Be a good citizen and obey traffic laws

The most important safety feature of any vehicle is its seatbelts. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that you can reduce your chance of serious injury or death by strapping into the front seat. NHTSA also noted:

The single best thing you can do for yourself in a car accident is to buckle up.


Airbags do not replace seat belts. They work in conjunction with them.

When you are pregnant, you should still use a seatbelt. Keep the belt in place under your belly, so that it fits snugly against your pelvic bone and hips.

It’s also important to be familiar with the traffic laws in your area. Your teenager may already be familiar with the topic, particularly if they have completed or are currently completing a teen’s education course. Top Driver offers online refresher classes for you and your teenager to help you stay on the right track.

Keep a toolkit and emergency equipment in your trunk

It is vital to have both the knowledge and the tools necessary in an emergency. You will be able to save your life if you have a basic toolkit, jumper cables, and other tools, no matter if you are involved in an accident or stranded because of a mechanical problem.

Discuss the Dangers of Drowsy, Impaired, and Distracted Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the most dangerous activities you can do. Drunk driving is illegal and extremely dangerous for passengers, pedestrians, drivers, and others. N Talk to your teenager about the fact that while they should not be drinking or using drugs, they can still rely on you for help if they find themselves in a situation where alcohol is being pushed upon them.

To keep your teen safe behind a wheel, it is important to set an example. Children learn more about us from our actions than we think. Driving safety is one of the best ways to instill positive values in your child. It doesn’t matter how much you talk about safety, the reality is that your child will be more likely to see you texting while driving or disobeying traffic laws. Safety is not something you take lightly.