How long does a Set of New Tire will last?


It is difficult to determine the exact lasting date and time of a new set of tire. However, with an insight into few aspects like tread, tire rotation, pressure, balance and alignment, etc. you can get an approximate idea about how long your new set of tire will last. You can visit Greenacres new tires dealers for a new set but always keep the following points in your mind.

How long a set of new tires last?

To be honest, there is no real way to know exactly how long a set of new tire will last. A lot of it depends on the manufacturer as well as a person who drives a car. For example, some manufacturers offer remarkable warranty of 80,000 miles, which shows confidence the company has in its technology, design, engineering, etc. While some manufacturers provide warranty of 30,000 miles

Moreover, sometimes rare cases has been seen where performance tires which were driven aggressively doesn’t even reach 15,000 miles. Just remember that when a tire’s tread depth becomes 2/32 of inch, it is time to get new ones.

However, another thing to keep in mind is that an individual’s driving also matters a lot. Even if the company warranty says let’s say 50,000 miles, you might need a new set after 40,000 miles. Hence, when buying new tires near Grrenacres, it is better you understand the warranty and other aspects from the professionals in detail.

How to make tires last long?

There are a few points which helps in making tires last longer. All these fall under maintenance work which is essential for any vehicle to last long and offer excellent performance.

  • Tire rotation

To prolong lives, tire rotation is a maintenance task that should be taken into account when servicing a vehicle. In a rotation, the position of the tires are changed according to a drivetrain and pattern which requires following.

For example, forward cross is one of the most standard procedures for tire rotation, where front wheel right side is switched to back wheel left one and front wheel left one is placed on back right wheel. The back right wheel tire is moved to front right wheel and back left wheel is moved to front left wheel.

Also, going through car manuals will aid one to know which the recommended pattern is or simply consult it with an expert.

  • Tire pressure

To make sure that new tires wear out evenly, manufacturers suggest checking tire pressure every month at least. Every tire should have pressure set by manufacturers. An individual can ride to a gas station or simply get a gauge from a local store for checking tire pressure when necessary. Also, tire shops can check it too.

  • Balance and alignment

It is essential for wheel/tire combination to be balanced at all times. It helps in car moving in a straight line that reduces wearing out. Seek professionals’ assistance as they use a machine to check and balance it.

So, these are the ways through which you can make your tires last long as well as have an idea about how long your new set of tires will last.